André Maurice, 2024.
André Maurice
Petits formats, grands espaces
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Exposition collective, 2024.
Exposition collective
Pour fêter les artistes sans qui rien ne peut se faire,
les regardeurs qui nous soutiennent et les vacances dont j'ai besoin,
je vous offre un verre à la galerie samedi 27 juillet à partir de 17 heures.
Vous êtes tous les bienvenus
Mohamed Aksouh, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde,
Didier Demozay, Thierry Diers, Roger Cosme Estève, Stéphane Fromm,
Liliane Klapisch, Krochka, Francis Limérat, Marcelle Loubchansky, David Lewis,
Denis Martin, Michel Salsmann, Anne Slacik, Amélie Tribout.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Roger Cosme ESTEVE, 2024
Roger Cosme ESTEVE,
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Robert Lévy, 2024
Avec la complicité de
Robert Lévy,
Shafic Abboud, Pierre Alechinsky, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Christine Boumeester Giséle Celan-Lestrange, Clara Champsaur, Colette Brunschwig, Olivier Debré, Daphné Gamble,
Nathalie Grenier, Jean-Gérard Gwezenneg, Pascale Hémery, Anne-Sylvie Hubert, Laurence Jeannest,
Ida Karskaya,Liliane Klapisch, Eve Lucquet, André Marfaing, Denis Martin, Vinça Monadé,
Martin Müller-Reinhart, Melik Ouzani, Pierre–Edouard, Guillaine Querrien, François Rouan,
Ferdinand Springer, Sam Szafran,Tal coat, Jean-Damien Thiollet.
J'espère n'avoir oublié personne et peut-être quelques retardataires...en plus....
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
Julian MORAN, 2024
Julian MORAN
Carte Blanche
Voilà bientôt dix ans, accompagné de mon confrère François Callu Mérite, nous nous rendîmes à Tournai pour rencontrer Julian Moran, un jeune artiste originaire des Etats Unis venu tenter sa chance en Belgique. Pour assurer le quotidien, il y exerçait le métier d’éboueur.
Avant Stéphane Mandelbaum ou Eugene J. Martin, ce fut mon premier coup de cœur de galeriste. Julian est aujourd’hui retourné dans son pays natal, retiré dans une forêt du Maine. Il me charge de vous saluer.
Je vous invite à découvrir son univers à la galerie Convergences (22 rue des Coutures Saint Gervais), chez mon amie Valérie Grais qui m’a fait l’honneur de me donner carte blanche du 15 au 18 mai (vernissage mercredi 15 à partir de 18h).
Au plaisir de vous y retrouver.
Bruno Jean
Anne Slacik, 2024
Anne Slacik
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Laurent Selmès, 2024
Laurent Selmès
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Hommage à Raymonde Godin, 2024
À travers ses œuvres et celles des artistes de la galerie
Eliz Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Thierry Diers, Roger Cosme Estève, Stephane Fromm, Christian Gardair, Natalia Jaime-Cortez, Liliane Klapisch, Denis Martin, Laurent Selmès, Anne Slacik
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.
Didier Demosay, 2024
à partir de 18 heures
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 à 19 heures.
The gallery focuses on the modernity of the artworks and the continuity of the artists' research.
The Galerie Convergences features a variety of artists and their works. Some of the artists who have exhibited at the gallery include Francis Limérat, Dora Maar, Ida Karskaya, Eliz.Barbosa, Emmanuelle Bollack, Claire Borde, Franois Bruetschy, Thierry Diers, and Christian Gardair.
The gallery is located at 22 Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais, Paris, France It is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The Galerie Convergences also has a presence on Instagram, where you can find photos and videos of the gallery and its exhibitions [@valeriegrais].
Please note that there is another gallery called Galerie Convergence in Nantes, which is a separate entity from Galerie Convergences in Paris.